Peroneal nerve mononeuropathy associated with herpes zoster. A case report대상포진과 관련된 비골신경 단일신경병증. 사례 보고Case Reports Published on 2019-04-012023-06-01 Journal: Neurological Sciences [Category] 대상포진, 두창, 수두, 홍역, [키워드] herpes zoster Mononeuropathy Neurological complications Peroneal nerve. [DOI] 10.1007/s10072-018-3621-x [Article Type] Case Reports
Significant Associations of Neurological Complications of Herpes Zoster With Stroke in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients류마티스 관절염 환자에서 대상포진의 신경학적 합병증과 뇌졸중의 중요한 연관성Article Published on 2017-07-192023-05-31 Journal: Journal of the American Heart Association [Category] Fulltext, 대상포진, 두창, 수두, 홍역, [키워드] Epidemiology herpes zoster immunosuppressive therapy Infectious disease nervous system Neurological complications rheumatoid arthritis Risk factors stroke [DOI] 10.1161/JAHA.117.006304 PMC 바로가기