[대역어] 망막병증
[용어속성] Term

Proactive Prophylaxis With Azithromycin and HydroxyChloroquine in Hospitalised Patients With COVID-19 (ProPAC-COVID): A structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial


Plasmodium falciparum EPCR-binding PfEMP1 expression increases with malaria disease severity and is elevated in retinopathy negative cerebral malaria

플라스모디움 팔시파룸 EPCR 결합 PfEMP1 발현은 말라리아 질병의 중증도에 따라 증가하며, 망막병증이 없는 뇌 말라리아에서 상승합니다.

Research Article