[용어속성] Term

High dose dexamethasone treatment for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome secondary to COVID-19: a structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

COVID-19에 따른 급성 호흡곤란 증후군에 대한 고용량 덱사메타손 치료: 무작위 대조 시험을 위한 연구 프로토콜의 구조화된 요약


Multi-centre, three arm, randomized controlled trial on the use of methylprednisolone and unfractionated heparin in critically ill ventilated patients with pneumonia from SARS-CoV-2 infection: A structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial


Auxora versus standard of care for the treatment of severe or critical COVID-19 pneumonia: results from a randomized controlled trial

중증 또는 치명적인 COVID-19 폐렴의 치료를 위한 Auxora 대 표준 치료: 무작위 대조 시험의 결과
