End-of-life care in COVID-19: An audit of pharmacological management in hospital inpatientsArticle Published on 2020-10-012023-07-06 Journal: Palliative medicine [Category] SARS, [키워드] COVID-19 End-of-life care symptom control. [DOI] 10.1177/0269216320935361
End-of-life care in the emergency department for the patient imminently dying of a highly transmissible acute respiratory infection (such as COVID-19)Commentary Published on 2020-03-262022-10-31 Journal: CJEM [Category] Coronavirus, SARS, [키워드] Acute respiratory infection COVID-19 End of life End-of-life care Palliative care pandemic the patient [DOI] 10.1017/cem.2020.352 PMC 바로가기 [Article Type] Commentary