Gründe für allergologische Diagnostik und deren Ergebnisse im Kontext von COVID-19-Vakzinierungen 2-jährige Erfahrung eines Allergiezentrums in Nordrhein-Westfalenarticle Published on 2023-05-042024-09-05 Journal: Dermatologie (Heidelberg, Germany) [Category] update2024, [키워드] allergic reaction Allergie Allergietestung Allergische Reaktion allergy allergy testing COVID-19-Impfstoff COVID-2019 vaccine Impfreaktion mRNA vaccine mRNA-Impfstoff Vaccination reaction [DOI] 10.1007/s00105-023-05152-3 PMC 바로가기 [Article Type] article
Anaphylaxis associated with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines: Approach to allergy investigationmRNA COVID-19 백신과 관련된 아나필락시스: 알레르기 조사에 대한 접근Article Published on 2021-06-012022-09-11 Journal: Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.) [Category] SARS, 유전자 메커니즘, [키워드] allergenic allergic Allergic reactions allergy allergy testing anaphylaxis Anxiety Appropriate assumption Community complex conducted COVID-19 Diagnosis drug Drug allergy Frequency glycol knowledge mRNA mRNA vaccine mRNA vaccines Patient polyethylene Polyethylene glycol potential mechanism potential mechanisms protocol repeated report reported risk skin Skin test standardized protocol standardized protocols supervision Treatment Vaccine Vaccine hesitancy [DOI] 10.1016/j.clim.2021.108748 PMC 바로가기 [Article Type] Article
Practical handling of allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines A position paper from German and Austrian Allergy Societies AeDA, DGAKI, GPA and ÖGAIPosition Article Published on 2021-04-192022-10-28 Journal: Allergo Journal International [Category] COVID-19, [키워드] 2019 coronavirus disease acute respiratory syndrome adverse event allergic allergic reaction allergy allergy testing Anaphylactic reaction anaphylaxis approval approved BNT162b2 CDC center Cochrane Library Control Corona virus coronavirus country COVID-19 COVID-19 vaccination COVID-19 vaccine current Diagnosis diagnostic test Efficacy effort European first vaccination handling humans International Internet knowledge lipid component majority mRNA COVID-19 vaccine mRNA vaccine mRNA-1273 National outcome Patient Paul Ehrlich PEI potential risk prevention Prophylaxis reaction recommendation Research Result Robert Koch Safety SARS-CoV-2 sequence Society therapy Treatment triggered union vaccination Vaccine vaccine platform Vaccines website WHO World Health Organization [DOI] 10.1007/s40629-021-00165-7 PMC 바로가기 [Article Type] Position Article