Occurrence of dysentery-like diarrhoea associated with Brachyspira suanatina infection on a German fattening pig farm브라키스피라 수아나티나 감염과 관련된 이질 유사 설사의 발생이 있는 독일 비육돈 농장Article Published on 2018-02-172024-08-22 Journal: Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões [Category] 세균성이질, [키워드] Brachyspira suanatina Culture dysentery nox-RFLP swine
Swine DysenteryArticle Published on 2017-01-312024-09-07 Journal: Vet Pathol [Category] 세균성이질, [키워드] Brachyspira hampsonii Brachyspira hyodysenteriae Brachyspira suanatina Colitis digestive system diseases intestine Porcine swine dysentery PMC 바로가기