Chickenpox Outbreaks in Three Refugee Camps on Mainland Greece, 2016-2017: A Retrospective StudyOriginal Research Published on 2024-02-182024-09-05 Journal: Prehosp Disaster Med [Category] update2024, [키워드] complex emergency disaster epidemiology displacement Humanitarian health varicella [DOI] 10.1017/S1049023X23006702 PMC 바로가기 [Article Type] Original Research
The current pandemic, a complex emergency? Mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on highly vulnerable communities in GuatemalaOriginal Article Published on 2021-06-212023-06-13 Journal: The International Journal of Social Psychiatry [Category] MERS, SARS, [키워드] complex emergency COVID-19 Guatemala Low-income mental health [DOI] 10.1177/00207640211027212 PMC 바로가기 [Article Type] Original Article