A human pathogenic bacterium Shigella proliferates in plants through adoption of type III effectors for shigellosisArticle Published on 2019-11-302024-09-07 Journal: Plant Cell Environ [Category] 세균성이질, [키워드] alternative host Arabidopsis plants Enteropathogenic bacteria PAMP-triggered immunity proliferation Shigella spp split GFP T3S effectors trans-kingdom pathogenesis type III secretion system (T3SS) PMC 바로가기
Human Enteric α-Defensin 5 Promotes Shigella Infection by Enhancing Bacterial Adhesion and Invasion인간 장내 α-디펜신 5는 박테리아 부착 및 침입을 강화하여 시겔라 감염을 촉진한다.Article Published on 2018-06-192024-08-22 Journal: Immunity [Category] 세균성이질, [키워드] antimicrobial peptide Bacterial adhesion defensin Enteropathogenic bacteria epithelial integrity host-microbe interaction Innate immunity Shigella
Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli and Shigella with High Rate of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase Production: Two Predominant Etiological Agents of Acute Diarrhea in Shiraz, Iranarticle Published on 2017-12-312024-09-01 Journal: Microbial Drug Resistance [Category] 세균성이질, [키워드] acute diarrhea diarrheagenic E. coli Enteropathogenic bacteria ESBL MDR Shigella [Article Type] article
Prevalence of enteropathogenic bacteria in treated effluents and receiving water bodies and their potential health risks처리된 배수 및 수신 수역에서의 장병원성 세균의 유병률과 그들의 잠재적 건강 위험journal-article Published on 2015-06-012024-07-30 Journal: Fogorv Sz [Category] 세균성이질, [키워드] Enteropathogenic bacteria health risk assessment Salmonella Typhimurium Shigella dysenteriae Vibrio cholera. [DOI] 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.03.019 [Article Type] journal-article