Started in june 1978 in the Abengourou District (Ivory Coast) the expanded program on immunization (E.P.I.) was assessed in june 1983 by the mean of a vaccinal survey, after five years of implementation. This survey was conducted in both urban circle where E.P.I. was fully in operation from 1978, and rural circle where it was progressively implemented to reach about 3/4 of the villages by 1983. The authors report and compare the findings in terms of global vaccinal coverage towards the six diseases covered by the E.P.I. in town (71,7%) and in rural area (42,6%). Their report includes the results of a survey about the sanitary protection of the children and about the respect of the ideal immunization schedule and recommended in Ivory Coast (39,9% in town and 6,2% in rural area). In considering measles, they attempt to understand the true benefit of such a plan in terms of reduced mortality and morbidity rate from 15,8% to 0,9%. Considering their findings, the authors recommend to concentrate efforts in two directions for the coming years. To better cover the rural zones. To better respect the ideal immunization schedule.
[Report on 5 years of expanded program of vaccination in an experimental zone in Ivory Coast]
코트디부아르 실험 구역에서의 5년간 확대 백신 프로그램 보고서
[Category] 백일해, 파상풍, 홍역,
[Article Type] Comparative Study
[Source] pubmed
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