Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) shares transmission mechanisms with some hepatotropic viruses, such as hepatitis B (HBV), C (HCV) and delta (HDV) viruses.
Methods: To evaluate the prevalence of infection in a group of 100 male prisoners, carriers of the human immunodeficiency virus, the serologic markers of these viruses were investigated with radioimmunoassay and enzyme immunoassay.
Results: In 96 and 65% of individuals, respectively, some marker of HBV and HCV were found. The association anti-HBs and anti-HBc was present in 51 cases; 36 of them (71%) were carriers of anti-HCV. HBsAg was found in 7 individuals, 5 of which had antibodies against HDV. The pattern anti-HBs, anti-HBc, anti-HCV, HIV anti-env and anti-core was found in 34 individuals.
Conclusions: These data show the high prevalence of HBV and HCV in the study population, indicating the need to systematically investigate markers of these viruses to establish measures for prevention and control.
[Hepatitis virus B, C and delta infection in carriers of the human immunodeficiency virus]
[Category] B형 간염,
[Source] pubmed
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