Hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV) infections contribute significant morbidity in the United States, particularly among those with a history of incarceration, homeless-ness, and/or co-morbid mental illness. Data from the Philadelphia Department of Public Health’s viral hepatitis registry were matched at the person-level to the city’s shelter, jail, and mental health system datasets (vulnerability datasets), and descriptive statistics were calculated. Between January 2010 and December 2014, 29,807 cases of HCV and 133 cases of HBV/HCV were reported. Fifty-eight percent of HCV cases and 70% of HBV/HCV cases were found in at least one vulnerability dataset. Compared with HCV cases, HBV/HCV cases were more likely to have a mental health diagnosis and history of incarceration, and to have spent more days in jail, and were less likely to be receiving treatment for HCV. Data are needed to describe more adequately the trajectory of HBV/HCV co-infected individuals to improve health service planning and policy.
Increased Health and Social Vulnerability Among Hepatitis C Infected Individuals Co-infected with Hepatitis B
[Category] B형 간염,
[Source] pubmed
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