[[[ Objective: ]]] We sought to examine nationally the association between school mandates for adolescent tetanus-containing vaccines (Td and/or Tdap) and adolescent female human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination. [[[ Methods: ]]] Each state was categorized by whether a school mandate for adolescent Td and/or Tdap vaccines was enacted. Mean HPV vaccine series initiation levels among adolescent females were compared between each mandate category. [[[ Results: ]]] Mean HPV vaccine series initiation levels were significantly lower in states without Td/Tdap vaccine mandates than in those with mandates (42.9% vs. 47.3%; p=0.004). [[[ Conclusions: ]]] School mandates for adolescent Td/Tdap vaccination may have a carry-over effect on HPV vaccination.
Human papillomavirus vaccination rates and state mandates for tetanus-containing vaccines
인유두종바이러스 백신 접종률 및 파상풍 포함 백신에 대한 주 정부 명령
[Category] 파상풍,
[Article Type] journal-article
[Source] pubmed
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