The prevalence of Campylobacter and Salmonella spp. was determined from live bird to prepackaged carcass for 3 flocks from each of 6 types of California niche-market poultry. Commodities sampled included squab, quail, guinea fowl, duck, poussin (young chicken), and free-range broiler chickens. Campylobacter on-farm prevalence was lowest for squab, followed by guinea fowl, duck, quail, and free-range chickens. Poussin had the highest prevalence of Campylobacter. No Salmonella was isolated from guinea fowl or quail flocks. A few positive samples were observed in duck and squab, predominately of S. Typhimurium. Free-range and poussin chickens had the highest prevalence of Salmonella. Post-transport prevalence was not significantly higher than on-farm, except in free-range flocks, where a higher prevalence of positive chickens was found after 6 to 8 h holding before processing. In most cases, the prevalence of Campylobacter- and Salmonella-positive birds was lower on the final product than on-farm or during processing. Odds ratio analysis indicated that the risk of a positive final product carcass was not increased by the prevalence of a positive sample at an upstream point in the processing line, or by on-farm prevalence (i.e., none of the common sampling stations among the 6 commodities could be acknowledged as critical control points). This suggests that hazard analysis critical control point plans for Campylobacter and Salmonella control in the niche-market poultry commodities will need to be specifically determined for each species and each processing facility.
Prevalence of Campylobacter and Salmonella Species on Farm, After Transport, and at Processing in Specialty Market Poultry
전문 시장 가금류에서 농장, 운송 후 및 가공 시 캠필로박터 및 살모넬라 종의 유병률
[Category] 살모넬라증,
[Article Type] journal-article
[Source] pubmed
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