The crop is a known source of Salmonella and Campylobacter contamination. Previously, we evaluated lactic acid in the drinking water during a simulated pretransport feed withdrawal (FW) and reported 0.44% lactic acid significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the number of Salmonella recovered in market-age broiler crops. However, total consumption of the organic acid-treated drinking water was reduced. Presently, we evaluated the effect of experimental chlorate product (ECP; 1x ECP is equivalent to a 15 mM chlorate ion concentration) during a 10-h pretransport FW. Market-age broilers were obtained from a commercial processing plant and randomly assigned to ECP-treated or control (nontreated) groups. Broilers were challenged by crop gavage with 10(8) Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) immediately upon arrival and 1 d prior to termination of the experiment. One day later, broilers were killed for ST enumeration (cfu) in the crop and ceca. Broilers provided ECP 24 h prior to slaughter consumed slightly more ECP water than broilers provided distilled water. Treatment with ECP caused a significant decrease (P < 0.05) in the incidence of ST in crop contents (2%) as compared to the controls (36.7%). Similarly, ECP treatment caused a significant decrease (P < 0.05) in number of ST (0.96 log10 ST/g cecal content) detected in the ceca when compared to controls (2.52 log10 ST). This study suggested that incorporation of ECP in the drinking water 24 to 48 h prior to slaughter could reduce Salmonella contamination in broilers.
Effect of experimental chlorate product administration in the drinking water on Salmonella typhimurium contamination of broilers
실험적 염소산염 제품을 음용수에 투여한 것이 육계의 살모넬라 타이피무리움 오염에 미치는 영향
[Category] 살모넬라증,
[Article Type] journal-article
[Source] pubmed
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