The paper reviews the achievements in tetanus immunization coverage and child immunization in Bangladesh. It uses data from the 1993-94 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey to identify and examine the programmatic and non-programmatic factors that influence the coverage of tetanus (TT) immunization during pregnancy, and full immunization among children 12-23 months old in rural Bangladesh. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the areas that need further programme attention. The logistic regression results show that the coverage of TT immunization was significantly associated with proximity to outreach clinics and the presence of a health worker in the community. Home visits by health/family planning fieldworkers and the proximity to outreach clinics had larger influences on TT coverage of poorer households compared to those better-off. The effect of distance to static clinics varied by regions. Among children, full immunization coverage (coverage of all of BCG, DPT1, DPT2, DPT3, Polio1 Polio2, Polio3) was significantly associated with distance to outreach clinics, the greater the distance to the clinics, the less the likelihood of immunization.
The Immunization Programme in Bangladesh: Impressive Gains in Coverage, But Gaps Remain
방글라데시의 예방접종 프로그램: 인상적인 보장률 증가, 그러나 여전히 격차가 존재함
[Category] 파상풍,
[Article Type] journal-article
[Source] pubmed
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