In Germany about 8500 dog-bite injuries in the face occur every year; more than 50% of the victims are infants and schoolchildren. Besides dogs, other animals such as cats or horses may be responsible for these accidents. Even human bites are reported. The predominant areas are the nose and the auricles. The tissue defects may be superficial, but they can even cause amputations, including severe vascular and nerve or bony destruction. Systemic antibiotic therapy is needed when the wound is infected. The surgical approach to bite injuries includes local wound cleansing, careful excision of necrotic tissue and primary closure of the wound whenever possible. Regarding the importance of surgery in the head and neck area plastic-reconstructive techniques including autologous transplantations and various local or regional flaps should be used at the time the wound is first repaired.
Bißverletzungen im Kopf-Halsbereich
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