The effects of active immunization against luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) on the testis and its excurrent ducts in rats were studied using a synthetic LHRH peptide conjugated to tetanus toxoid (TT), with or without an adjuvant. The study demonstrated that LHRH-TT given alone did not elicit an appreciable immune response and that its immunogenicity could be enhanced by administration with an adjuvant, such as species-specific IgG or SPLPS. The anti-LHRH antibody response showed a corresponding regressive effect on the morphology of the testis and its excurrent ducts. The functional involution of the testis was reflected in the form of a block in spermatogenesis and the lowering of testosterone production; the basic structural organization of the testicular components was, however, maintained. Epididymal ducts displayed rather drastic atrophic changes, indicating that prolonged immunization may result in irreversible damage to the excurrent ducts and could, therefore, adversely affect the restoration of fertility even after the return of testicular function following decline in the immune response against LHRH. This could be an important consideration if LHRH immunization is to be used for male contraception.
Functional morphology of testis and its excurrent ducts in rats immunized with synthetic luteinizing hormone releasing hormone conjugated to tetanus toxoid
합성 황체자극호르몬 방출 호르몬과 파상풍 독소에 결합된 쥐의 고환 및 그 배출관의 기능적 형태학
[Category] 파상풍,
[Article Type] journal-article
[Source] pubmed
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