In a case of cephalic tetanus the amplitudes and the latencies of the compound action potentials recorded from the facial muscles after stimulation of the facial nerve at the mastoid were not significantly different on the two sides. With repetitive stimulation at 30/sec a pathological facilitation was observed on both sides. The blink reflex bilaterally had normal latencies but the amplitudes of the reflex potentials were always significantly lower on the paretic side. It is concluded that facial palsy in cephalic tetanus is mainly due to a functional block of conduction in the course of the peripheral nerve whereas the disturbance of neuromuscular transmission probably has little importance in these cases.
Electrophysiological investigations in a case of cephalic tetanus
두개성 파상풍 사례에서의 전기생리학적 조사
[Category] 파상풍,
[Article Type] journal-article
[Source] pubmed
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