Eggs have gained a reputation as being a source of salmonellae. Given that some hens are exposed to salmonellae, it is important to determine what the risk might be to human health. White Leghorn hens were inoculated with Salmonella typhimurium, since this organism is often mentioned as being a common isolate from eggs and egg products. The hens were inoculated either orally or intravenously via the basalic vein of the wing. The oral inoculation of S. typhimurium did not result in contamination of the egg shells or contents (yolk and albumen) even though the organisms were eliminated with the feces. Intravenous injection did not lead to fecal shedding of salmonellae nor could the organism be isolated from the shell or the egg contents.
Salmonellae Recovery Following Oral and Intravenous Inoculation of Laying Hens
산란 암탉의 경구 및 정맥 주사 후 살모넬라 회수
[Category] 살모넬라증,
[Article Type] journal-article
[Source] pubmed
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