In an attempt to determine the prevalence of various skin infections in the homeless population in Marseilles, France, we undertook a case control study. Cases were recruited among institutionalized homeless subjects during two snapshot investigations conducted in January 2002 and 2003 respectively. The control subjects were recruited from among those who presented at a clinic for pre-travel advice. We recruited 498 cases and 200 control subjects. Compared to control subjects, a significantly higher proportion of cases had skin diseases (38% versus 0.5%; p < 0.0001). Pruritus, body-lice infestation, scratching lesions, folliculitis, tinea pedis, scabies and impetigo (ecthyma) were strongly significantly associated with homelessness. The higher prevalence of skin infections in the homeless people mainly results from the body-louse infestation, scabies, bacterial super-infection of skin surfaces that have been breached by frequent scratching and tinea pedis due to poor foot hygiene.
Prevalence of skin infections in sheltered homeless
[Category] 백선증,
[Source] pubmed
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