For decades malarial control has been implemented to control the impact of the disease on the health of populations living in endemic zones. The use of artemisinine combination therapy, intermittent preventive treatment for children and pregnant women, vector-control methods such as long-lasting insecticide-impregnated mosquito nets and indoor remanent insecticide spraying has proven to be effective. These practices have lead to such an extensive reduction of the malaria burden in some endemic areas that the objective of eradication that was unimaginable a few years ago is now back to the forefront. Regardless of the method chosen, careful evaluation and surveillance of its effectiveness in man is necessary. Achieving epidemiologic impact is the main goal of malaria control methods. The main measures for evaluation involve parasitological and clinical aspects of human malaria. The purpose of this article is to review methods used for epidemiologic evaluation of malaria burden.
[Epidemiologic evaluation of malaria in endemic areas]
[Category] 말라리아,
[Article Type] article
[Source] pubmed
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