The procedure used to diagnose amebiasis varies depending on the geographic location of the laboratory. However, in general, the microscopic diagnosis and differentiation of E. histolytica from other intestinal amebae is most satisfactorily achieved when the specimen is preserved immediately and both a concentration and stained smear are examined. The number of additional positive findings achieved by the cultivation of fecal material does not justify the time and cost involved. On the other hand, serology is a useful adjunct to diagnosis, especially in patients with extraintestinal amebiasis. The commercial development of antigen detection kits and DNA probes may provide more rapid, accurate, and less costly diagnostic procedures for the future. New guidelines need to be formulated regarding the number of specimens to be submitted, and the cost effectiveness of various diagnostic procedures should be evaluated.
Laboratory diagnosis of amebiasis
[Category] 세균성이질,
[Article Type] article
[Source] pubmed
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