Corrigendum: Investigating the relationship between hepatitis B virus infection and postpartum depression in Chinese women: a retrospective cohort study Published on 2024-01-082024-09-05 Journal: Frontiers in public health [키워드] EPDS HBV obstetric factors Postpartum depression ppd [저자] Wei Huang, Xiaoli Wu, Zhenzhen Yao, Yingping Gu, Xin Lai, Liping Meng, Songxu Peng [Category] update2024, PMC URL Pubmed URL DOI URL [DOI] 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1358590 [Article Type] Public Health Correction [Source] PMC All Keywords 【저자키워드】 HBV, EPDS, Postpartum depression, ppd, obstetric factors,