[대역어] 층화
[용어속성] Term

ChemoPROphyLaxIs with hydroxychloroquine For covId-19 infeCtious disease (PROLIFIC) to prevent covid-19 infection in frontline healthcare workers: A structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial


Proactive Prophylaxis With Azithromycin and HydroxyChloroquine in Hospitalised Patients With COVID-19 (ProPAC-COVID): A structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial


A pilot study of therapeutic plasma exchange for serious SARS CoV-2 disease (COVID-19): A structured summary of a randomized controlled trial study protocol


Rationale and design of the “Tocilizumab in patients with moderate to severe COVID-19: an open-label multicentre randomized controlled” trial (TOCIBRAS)

"중등도에서 중증의 COVID-19 환자에 대한 토실리주맙: 공개 라벨 다기관 무작위 통제" 시험(TOCIBRAS)의 근거 및 설계

Original Article