[대역어] 자연살해세포
[용어속성] Term

Age cohorts stratified according to age-distributions of COVID-19 morbidity statistics identify uniquely age-dependent CD3 + CD8 + T-cell lymphocytopenia in COVID-19 patients without comorbidities on admission

COVID-19 이환율 통계의 연령 분포에 따라 계층화된 연령 집단은 입원 시 동반 질환이 없는 COVID-19 환자에서 고유하게 연령 의존적 CD3 + CD8 + T 세포 림프구감소증을 식별합니다

Research Paper

COVID-19’s toll on the elderly and those with diabetes mellitus – Is vitamin B12 deficiency an accomplice?

Research article