저널: Wiad Lek Website: 설명: Konstancin Jeziorna : Aluna Publishing. DTwP(2) pertussis(2) vaccination(2) DTaP(2) Immunity(2) [Does the morbidity on pertussis depend on the type and number of vaccines used to immunize? analysis of data from epidemiological surveillance in 2012-2016]Article Published on 2018-12-312024-09-02 Journal: Wiad Lek [Category] 백일해, 파상풍, [키워드] DTaP DTwP Immunity pertussis vaccination PMC 바로가기
[Does the morbidity on pertussis depend on the type and number of vaccines used to immunize? analysis of data from epidemiological surveillance in 2012-2016]Article Published on 2018-12-312024-09-02 Journal: Wiad Lek [Category] 백일해, 파상풍, [키워드] DTaP DTwP Immunity pertussis vaccination PMC 바로가기